NRC Rejects Bid to Halt Restart of San Onofre


Environmentalists who tried to get the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to issue a stay to prevent a restart of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station said today their motion was denied by a |President appointed| five-member panel |in Maryland|.

The California Public Utilities Commission is also investigating the nuclear plant, including the issue of whether ratepayers should receive refunds for the time it has been out of service. San Diego Gas & Electric owns one-fifth of the facility and receives 20 percent of its power.

This dismissal to further analyze the real term stratergy to deommission SONGS comes in the midst of SONGS staff mysteriously finding coolant within the back up generators.

I’m left without words regarding how myopic the decesion making from the NRC has been executed throughout this ordeal. But negating critical safety regulations and standards is what they have done all along, SONGS is the Nuclear station with the worst history record in all of the US, and yet its service area has managed to keep acquire enough energy from with the use of a far more stable and enviormental-economicaly sane coal plant since its been shutown.

However, a viable solution will not be found with Govertment appointed regulators shifting the reliance to just a single source of energy, but rather the Market signalling a myriad of competing sources to fill the demand, which will help drive the costs down for both consumers and producers; given the stagerring unemployment figures in the 8th largest econmy in the world, I’m sure meaninigful manufacturing would not only break up a monlithihc monoply but also encourage entreprenuers and creative engineers to direct their resources to this cause through financial incentive–Energy procurement, and by extension Nuclear reliance it is a multi-billion dolar industry.

Why is this still even being discussed?! Moreover, why are we still listening to corrupt policy makers who have been known to favor the Nuclear Industry in resolute despite a litiny of safety failures?