CPUC remians indecisive over SONGS monthly $54 Million payout from ratepayers


Welfare is a deadening system, at least according to the discussion being waged these days in connection with the presidential campaign. It saps ambition, discourages enterprise, allows the undeserving to sit on their haunches endorsing checks. We all know the talking points.

So why aren’t we more outraged by the $54-million welfare check going out every month to the shareholders of Southern California Edison, courtesy of the utility’s ratepayers? That’s how much Edison is collecting every month to operate its San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.


Michael Peevey, former President of Edison Intl. and Southern California Edison, has held the position as the President of the CPUC after being appointed by Governor Gray Davis in 2002 and was appointed once again in 2008 by Governor. It seems either side of the fictitious ‘political-divide’ farce though to scrutinize the conflict of interest when appointing, and re-appointing this man into the highest position at the California Public Utilities Commission, which its responsibility is to overlook and maintain the interest of ratepayers.

This type of deck-chair shuffling in Fascist institutions have been prevalent in the banking-political sector for at least a decade, but now upon merely looking past the superficial facade of utility regulatory bodies we see it is present once more. I firmly believe that the entire foundation upon which the International Nuclear Age was built upon, was and has always been, rotted to the core, in California: the NRC has been complicit while the worst power plant in the US (SONGS) operated without reprisal; the CPUC fails to cease the extortionate practices of SCE upon its ratepayers while SONGS has been offline; California’s Senators have explicitly made it clear that the disaster that led to SONGS being offline is–at best–and afterthought; and now we have concrete evidence that appointees of high level positions in regulatory bodies are nothing more than puppets for corporate juggernauts.